
Monday, November 15, 2010

Spring Season in The Rain

Bring in spring on your look, and your world more colorful. Rain is a blessing, it bring life not just for human being but also all the living things. Rain also swept away all the sadness and make our life more beautiful

Rain, bring me many ideas to make your look awesome. I made flowers for a corsage or hair clip. It is easy to made and fun. This time I use fabric to make flowers combined with swarovsky beads to make it glow.

Sometimes ideas arise by accident. I don't have a model to put my flowers but then I look Matha Stewart magazines. There is an advertising model behind it. She is pretty and cool, and i can put the flowers like she wear hair clip, brachelet and corsage. Its Brilliant!! Whoever you are, I am very grateful for being my model. I wish spring always come to your life and everybody's life.


  1. i always adore fabric flower brooches! (^_^)
    belom pernah bikin sih yg seperti ini...

    salam kenal dari Surabaya yaa...

  2. iya, mba, salam kenal juga:)
    aku suka nyoba bikin macam2 fabric flowers. Yang ini mudah kok bikinnya:)

  3. mba, ini berapa kalo bikin yah? ada warna kuning? diameter kalo sekitar 10cm, bisa kah? thanks a lot

  4. hi tessa...yang ini harganya 45 ribu. Bisa, nanti aku bikinkan. warna boleh milih. ditunggu ya pesanannya:)
