
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 11# Twist Ribbon Rose

What a beautiful Sunday morning. The sun shine through the window and the birds sing. Its really great to start the day. I need flowers to make my day more beautiful. A rose flowers could be better. In this tutorial i decided to make twist ribbon flower. Its Very simple to follow
the instruction.

Materials and tools you need are:

Ribbon, round shape felt fabric and
gun glue or fabric glue.
You can also use fabric, cut 5 cm along
the fabric width


Twist your fabric

Provide round shape felt fabric, We'll gonna
use it as a base

Put a little glue in the middle, paste the edge
of the fabric.

It will be a centre of the flower

Twist the fabric ribbon then turn on to the left,
put a little glue, then paste it.

Do the same thing until all your ribbon out.
Attach the end of the ribbon at the rear base.
Look, It's beautiful, isn't it?


  1. very creative idea. Sure, I'll try this for the next project. Thanks for sharing :)

  2. makasih tutorialnya mbak. aku kemarin dah coba bikin dari pita organdi [kalau ga salah nama]. tapi masih kecil-kecil. dan kemarin, dasar flanelnya ada yg gak bulet, acakadut deh belakangnya.
    pamit ya, mau bikin bros ini dan saya jadikan produk Jilbab Orin.
    mau dijual, hehehe....
    sekali lagi terima kasih mbak Kenti yang baik hati dan kreatif... :)))

  3. you're welcome, heni. wow, silahkan. jadi pengen liat jilbab kreasi heni yang pake mawar ini. Nanti kalo udah jadi kirim fotonya ya :)
