
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Champa Traditional Woven Fabric

On April, I visitied Vietnam. To see what other people do in other hemisphere is always interesting. Not only the places, but also the people are good things to learn. How they live in daily, what they do, how they preserve the value of their ancestral, their history, their heritage are really interesting to study.

If you visit Phan thiet ( a province in central vietnam ), you can find a few group of cham people, they are an ethnic group from southeast asia. Some of this group are also live in cambodia. They weave the fabric to make chlothes, bag or pashmina.

It's a traditional loom from champa

I like their woven fabric. This one has similar motif with 'kain songket' from west and south sumatra. I hope i can visit Palembang and Bukit Tinggi, where weaving is their daily lives.

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