
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Secret Garden

"Sometimes inspiration skipped the town and taken your creativity with her. That's why its important being around other creative types who shares your passion, it can be really rejuvenating " (Kari Chapin).

And for me Its important  to keep my hand busy when I'm stuck with the idea. Escape from the ordinary will also help me to take my inspiration back. And I can find that things in a nice little bookstore, tobucil. There, I can meet a lot of friends who shares idea and encourage each other to do more better. And another thing is I love the garden in front of the store, very peaceful. Inspire me to do my ribbon embroidery project. 
Yea, this is my secret garden that I can escape from the ordinary. 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Stitches and Techniques : Ribbon Stitch

There are many different embroidery stitches, but that just five basic stitches, used alone or in various combinations, can create a large array of floral motifs and stitch patterns. The ribbon stitch is for ribbon only, but the lazy daisy, straight stitch, French knots, and stem stitch can be made with ribbon or thread.

This time i'll show you how to stitch Ribbon stitch.

Before you start your work, its better for you threadig the end of ribbon. This easy method will help you to ensure your ribbon is secured firmly and not easy removed from the fabric.

Bring the ribbon to the front at the position you want.

Hold the ribbon flat on the fabric with your thumb (not shown). Place the tip of the needle in the centre of the ribbon at the position for the tip of the ribbon.

Take the needle to the back of fabric. Place thumb over the stitch to keep it untwisted (not shown). Begin to gently pull ribbon through.

Pull untill the ribbon folds back on itself at the tip and the edges curl. Completed ribbon stitch

Another version of ribbon stitch. Pull the ribbon back, but do not pull all the edges.

Ribbon stitch in flower

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Chocolate Puding

A friend ask me to make chocolate pudding. Its easy to make, you don't need an oven, or mixer. The ingredient are easy to find.

All you need are  
1 pack Agar-agar powder, 150 g sugar, 2 tablespoon cocoa powder, 800 ml fresh milk or you can take 50 g milk powder dilute with 800 ml water and 1/4 teaspoon of salt

In a medium bowl, whisk together 1 pack agar-agar, sugar, salt, cocoa powder and fresh milk untill cooked. Remove from heat, then placed into small cup. 

No complete chocolate pudding without softly whipped cream. You can also add cherry, or jam, or any kind of fruit.