First time i interested in ribbon embroidery coz i think its more easy and simple than crossstitch. I should not count the block or bring the pattern wherever i go. I just draw the pattern or design on the material then i can stitch wherever i want. I learned ribbon embroidery in 2004. I took a basic course and need a month to finished the sylabus. There are 15 to 20 kind of basic stitches i should learned. We are using 3 mm, 5 mm and 1 cm satin ribbon and organza ribbon. It will be more cute and beauty if we are using silkribbon, but the price is too expensive.
The challenge in ribbon embroidery is how you can match the colour and how you can make a good design.
Here some of my ribbon embroidery work :
There are four project to complete the course. First, i made a wall deco with 15 to 20 kinds of stitches. Second, i made a frame. Third, i try to made my own design then i applique to decorate a box cover. Last, i made a lamp cover.
This lamp cover made to complete the sylabus when i took a ribbon embroidery course. I really love the pattern, coz i learn a new thing to made : the butterfly and the bug.
This little wall deco made on february 2009. I made the basket using acrilic yarn by crochet, then i sew it on the material. As a material i used "kain blacu". I gave it as a farewell gift for uswah and her family
This "sunflower" embroidery, stitched to make a decorative frame. This, another version of my first project. I used the same pattern but different colour of the ribbon. Next post i'll show you how to make a decorative frame.
Toppiary is another wall deco. I skecthed the pattern by myself. Trace to the material, then start stitched. I need two days to finished it. Really loved that moment.

I decorated this box cover as a farawell gift for my friend. I like the red one, stitched with twirled ribbon stitch using 5 mm organza ribbon. The purple one stitched with web rose stitch using 3 mm satin and organza ribbon and the dot stitched with french knot using 3 mm satin ribbon too.
Two months ago when I cleaned my room, I found a purple box in my cupboard, a chocolate box. Then I found myself very curious to opened it. Surprise!!! I found my crossstitch work in it. Its almost two years I forgot about this. But actually, its almost six years I never do crossstitch again. Hhmm..suddenly I miss crossstitch. Counting the block, finding the yarn, fix the by day waiting the project finished, pull the yarn with the same tense, its like a healing for me.
Crossstitch is my first gate to enter craftworlds. My moms introduce me with needlework since I was nine or ten years old little girl. She likes sewing very much. She sews my dress, my sister's dress, and also my brother's shirt. She sews her own dress till now. She also do crossstich. But, her first crosstitch project never been finished till now.
My first crosstich project. A caligraphic crossstich project.
A butterfly crossstitch series, finished on august 1997. I need a month to finished this project. I took the pattern from "Ein Kruisteek book"
An Alphabhetical crossstitch series. I took the pattern from free bonus "house and garden" magazine, finished in 1999. Its a very simple sampler.
Another alphabethical crossstitch project, but i forgot when i started and finished this project. I took the pattern from Crossstich magazines. I bought this magazine in a second hand bookstore. Finding a craftbook or craft magazines its like finding a hidden treasure. I realy like that moment.
This is a simple sampler. This crossstitch sampler signifies many aspect of tradition dutch life. The carnation, rose and hearts are indicate of love, while birds are the guard tree of life. The motifs on left hand side are adapted from dutch tile. I found this pattern on "Creative Stitccraft" and finished this project on november 1997.
I made this geometric crossstitch pattern in anycolour to made a "happy eid mubarak" card. I forgot when i made this.
The sunflower was my last crossstitch project. I need a lemon yellow yarn to fill the flower on the right block. But i'm too lazy to find it and to finished this project. This pattern also took from free bonus "house and garden" magazines